• Wikimedia

    Wikimedia supported the development of Audiopedia Wiki through their UNLOCK accelerator program.

  • Correlaid

    CorrelAid is a non-partisan non-profit network of data science enthusiasts.

  • Qwifi - Hotspot content server

    Qwifi streams audio to local mobile phones using Wifi and an accessible UI.

  • Audiopedia Web App

    The Audiopedia Web App provides an accessible user interface to publish and share audible content.

  • Audiopedia Wiki

    Audiopedia Wiki is a MediaWiki based collaborative platform to create, share and publish audible contents.

  • Introduction to Female Empowerment

    Women’s empowerment can be defined in simple terms as “the process of increasing women’s access to control over the strategic life choices that affect them and access to the opportunities that allow them fully to realize their capacities” (Chen and Tanaka 2014). Because of its positive connotations, the word “empowerment” has become a comfortable and indisputable term, which has led to a wide range of institutions, organizations, and governments to adopt it as something they aspire to work towards (Papart, Rai, and Staudt 2003, 3).


  • Audio Filling Station

    A simple device that can automatically update USB sticks and SD cards in rural areas with audible knowledge.

  • Women and SDG 5: Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls

    So here we are - this is the above-mentioned famous stand-alone goal SDG-5, aiming to achieve gender equality and empower all girls and women by 2030. Among its accompanying targets you will find: "End all forms of discrimination against all women and girls everywhere“ as well as „Eliminate all forms of violence against all women and girls in the public and private spheres, including trafficking and sexual and other types of exploitation."

  • #DayInTheLife of Sanaya from Pakistan

    I was married to an impoverished boy when I was hardly 11 years old. When I even didn’t know the meaning of the word marriage or the word responsibility. I had a brother who was older than me, but nobody married him forcefully. Because he was a boy and earning money, unlike me, he was not a burden on my parents.