How to Use AI to Prototype and Test Digital Audio for Community Outreach: A Hands-On 3-Step Guide

How to Use AI to Prototype and Test Digital Audio for Community Outreach: A Hands-On 3-Step Guide

Artificial intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing a wide range of industries and areas, including those you might not initially consider. In this article, we present an innovative approach to employing AI to prototype and test digital audio content for grassroots organizations working with marginalized populations in the global South.

Traditional methods of creating, recording, and testing scripts and audio can be time-consuming and cumbersome, but AI has the potential to significantly speed up the process, making it more enjoyable and opening up new possibilities for organizations that previously lacked the capacity to create this content from scratch.

As AI becomes increasingly popular and accessible, it offers a wealth of opportunities for organizations working in community outreach, particularly in the global South. This hands-on guide, featuring AI tools like ChatGPT and Typecast.AI, plus WhatsApp, demonstrates the power and versatility of AI in community outreach contexts. It will show you how to create a script, record a prototype audio with AI-generated voices, and test the audio with your target audience before recording the final version with real voices, all in a more efficient and engaging way.

Step 1: Create a Script Using Simple Language with ChatGPT

To begin, you'll need to create a script for your digital audio content. ChatGPT is an AI language model developed by OpenAI, which can help you generate a script based on a "prompt." A prompt is a brief description or instruction that guides the AI in generating the desired text.

ChatGPT works by using a vast amount of text data from the internet to understand and generate human-like language. It can create coherent and contextually relevant text based on the input you provide.

As a beginner, it's essential to understand that the quality of your prompt is crucial for generating a suitable script. To make the most of ChatGPT, follow these guidelines:

  1. Be clear and concise: Make sure your prompt clearly describes the type of script you want, including the topic, format, and any specific details you need the AI to include.
  2. Specify the audience: Clearly indicate the target audience for your script to ensure the language and content are appropriate.
  3. Keep it simple: Use simple language in your prompt to encourage the AI to generate a script that's easy to understand, especially when targeting populations that may struggle with literacy.

For example, here's a prompt you could use for creating a script about debunking myths related to dengue fever:

ChatGPT Prompt

"Create a 90-second radio spot featuring a dialogue between two community members, Ana and Maria, discussing myths about dengue fever and providing accurate information to debunk those myths. The dialogue should cover misconceptions about dengue fever, its severity, and immunity after recovering from the illness. The spot should encourage listeners to take preventive measures and spread accurate information to keep everyone safe from dengue fever. Conclude the spot with a message from the local community-based organization."

Once you have your prompt, enter it into ChatGPT and let the AI generate a script based on your input. Remember to fact-check the generated script and make any necessary adjustments to ensure accuracy and relevance to your target audience.

Audio-Script generated by ChatGPT

Maria: "Hi Ana, so good to meet you. Have you heard all the news about dengue fever? I'm so worried about it."

Ana: "Yes, I have heard about it.But you don't need to worry so much. There are some myths and misinformation out there that can make things sound much worse than they really are."

Maria: "What do you mean?"

Ana: "Well, for example, some people believe that dengue only affects people who live in dirty places, but that's not true.dengue mosquitoes can breed in clean water too. So it's important to keep your surroundings clean and dry to prevent dengue."

Maria :"I see, but I've also heard that dengue fever is a death sentence. Is that true?"

Ana: "No, that's definitely not true.While dengue fever can be serious, most people recover without any problems.The key is to get medical attention as soon as you start to feel sick."

Maria: "That's good to know. But I also heard that if you get dengue once, you can't get it again. Is that true?"

Ana: "Unfortunately, that's not true.There are actually four different types of dengue virus, and if you get one type, you can get the other types too. That's why it's important to take preventive measures like using mosquito repellent, wearing long sleeves and pants,and using mosquito nets at night."

Maria: "Wow, I had no idea.Thank you so much for clearing up these myths and giving me the facts. I feel much better now."

Ana: "No problem.We're all in this together. Let's make sure we spread accurate information to our friends and family to keep everyone safe from dengue fever."

Community-based Organization: "Don't believe everything you hear about dengue fever. Get the facts and protect yourself and your loved ones. A message from the your local community-based organization."

Step 2: Use Typecast.AI to Create Audio with Different Voices

Once you have your script, the next step is to convert it into an audio format using text-to-speech (TTS) technology. Typecast.AI is an AI-powered TTS platform that can transform your script into lifelike speech using various voices and languages.

Text-to-speech technology works by processing the input text and converting it into spoken words through a combination of linguistic and acoustic models. The linguistic model analyzes the text to identify the structure, grammar, and pronunciation, while the acoustic model uses pre-recorded human voices to generate the final speech output.

To use Typecast.AI for your community outreach project, follow these steps:

  1. Sign up for an account: Register for a Typecast.AI account and familiarize yourself with the platform. You can usually find a selection of free voices and languages to choose from, as well as premium options.
  2. Upload your script: Copy and paste your script into the designated input field on the platform. Ensure that the formatting is correct, and make any necessary adjustments to match the platform's requirements.
  3. Choose voices and settings: Select the appropriate voices for your characters or narrators, considering factors like accent, gender, and age. You can also adjust the speech rate, pitch, and volume to create a more natural and engaging listening experience.
  4. Generate the audio: Once you're satisfied with your selections, click the "Play" button and wait for the platform to create your audio. This process may take a few moments, depending on the length of your script.
  5. Review and download: Listen to the generated audio to ensure it meets your expectations. If needed, make adjustments to the settings and regenerate the audio until you're satisfied. Once you're happy with the result, download the audio file for further use.

Keep in mind that this AI-generated audio is intended to serve as a prototype for your project. The final version should ideally be recorded with real voices from your community to maintain authenticity and better connect with your target audience.

We uploaded our script to Typecast.AI and selected appropriate voices for each character. The platform then generated an audio file, which we reviewed to ensure it matched our expectations. You can listen to the AI-generated audio prototype here:

Audio created by Typecast.AI

Step 3: Test Your Audio with the Target Group Using WhatsApp

After creating your prototype audio using Typecast.AI, it's essential to test it with your target audience to gather feedback and ensure its effectiveness. WhatsApp is a popular messaging platform that allows you to easily share audio files and gather input from your community.

Testing your audio with WhatsApp is a simple process, even for beginners. Just follow these steps:

  1. Create a WhatsApp group: Set up a group chat on WhatsApp that includes members from your target audience. Make sure to inform participants about the purpose of the group and ask for their consent to be involved in the testing process.

  2. Share your audio: Upload the audio file generated by Typecast.AI to the WhatsApp group. You can add a brief message to introduce the audio and encourage participants to listen to it and provide their feedback.

  3. Collect feedback: Encourage participants to share their thoughts on the audio, including their understanding of the content, the clarity of the voices, and any suggestions for improvement. You can ask specific questions or create a simple survey to collect structured feedback.

  4. Analyze feedback and revise: Assess the feedback you receive and identify any common themes or suggestions. Use this information to revise your script, audio settings, or even the choice of voices, as necessary. You may need to repeat the process with Typecast.AI to generate a new prototype based on the revised script.

  5. Record the final audio: Once you have refined your audio prototype based on the feedback, proceed to record the final version using real voices from your community. This will help create a more authentic and relatable audio message for your target audience.

By using WhatsApp to test your audio, you can quickly and easily gather valuable feedback from your target group. This iterative process ensures that your final audio is tailored to your audience's needs, increasing the likelihood of a successful community outreach campaign.

In conclusion, utilizing AI tools like ChatGPT and Typecast.AI can revolutionize the way grassroots organizations create and test digital audio content for community outreach. This innovative approach not only streamlines the process but also opens up new possibilities for organizations that may have lacked the capacity to develop such content from scratch.

By following the simple steps outlined in this article, you can create a prototype of your audio message, test it with your target audience using WhatsApp, and refine it based on their feedback. This ensures that your final audio message, recorded with real voices from your community, is engaging, informative, and effective in reaching marginalized populations. As AI continues to touch various aspects of our lives, embracing its potential can significantly enhance the impact of your community outreach efforts.

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